The maker community in Wayne County is making an impact in the effort to fight COVID-19 and its spread.  Wooster Community Hospital, Chamber of Commerce, West Hill Nursing Home, Aultman Orrville Hospital, UA Campus Cupboard, and others recipients are receiving community-made supplies that are out-of-stock elsewhere.  Schantz MakerSpace, Wayne College 3D Lab, and members who frequent these makerspaces are connecting PPE items to needed institutions and people on a continual basis through the pandemic.

What amazes me about this effort is how many minds are working together to improve the PPE items we’re producing.  Face shields are important for medical staff, protecting them from bodily fluids as they help infected or potentially infected patients.  There are numerous “frame” designs that can be downloaded and 3D printed.  The makerspace community tried many of them, ultimately modifying an existing design to speed-up production, have a better fit, easier assembly.  Different materials were tried for the clear protective shield including acrylic sheeting, overhead transparencies, and others.  This truly is a community effort to provide the best PPE items possible in the fastest time.