As the pandemic Coronavirus takes hold over the globe, we see countries implementing travel restrictions, social distancing measures, and work from home policies.  Even the more developed countries are seeing their healthcare systems overloaded and fatigued by COVID-19.



The 3D printing community has many members keen to assist during the COVID-19 pandemic.  For example, see how this Italian hospital saves Covid-19 patients lives by 3D printing out-of-stock valves for reanimation devices.


Please click here to read any of the following articles


  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services solicits proposals for development of medical products for Novel Coronavirus
  • Central hubs connecting makers, medicine, and 3D printing resources and Coronavirus projects
  • 3D printed hands-free door handle attachment/openers, hand sanitizer holders, face masks quarantine booths, respirators, face shields, and ventilators


This Google Doc allows for people with 3D printers to offer up their help; you can submit your information for inclusion in this public Google Sheet (note that all information is public, so mind your contact details). Those needing help via 3D printing can turn to the Google Sheet to find local individuals with 3D printers and the appropriate design experience to help with their needed projects.


Women in 3D Printing has been gathering direct links to initiatives emerging around the world. Various projects are linked, including designs, community-based projects, ongoing conversation forums, challenges, and more.  See how other 3D printing companies are stepping to fight COVID19 and how you can be involved.