Summer is with us this final week; the hot days are more than enough reason to work on projects in the air conditioned 3D Lab.  Community members stop-by daily to use the laser engraver, 3D printers, and vinyl cutter.  Families who attended the Maker Faire earlier this year visit the lab over the summer, too.  It’s been a busy place!  We are busy upgrading both Prusa 3D printers for better reliability with multicolor printing, working out bugs with the full-color 3D printer, and generally preparing the lab for another busy fall semester.  Engineering students will use the lab for CAD design and building parts for their LEGO Mindstorms robots, too.

New this semester is the new Wayne College Makers Club!  It is a collaboration with students in similar clubs at local schools, building cool things together including robotics, 3D printing, and more.  If you want to join the club or simply want to know more, please email